جريدة عالم السياحة والاقتصاد، تهتم بصناعة السياحة باطيافها ، الشؤون الاقتصادية والبيئة والسياحة الدينية والمغامرة والسفر والطيران والضيافة

Terrifying Trails- محاولات تجارب سياحية مرعبة


WTTEN-When you think of hiking, you probably think of leading the easy life. You pack a canteen of water, grab some granola from the grocery store, and then you set out. To be sure, most hiking trails offer a perfectly safe and low-impact way of getting some exercise and experiencing nature. However, not all hiking trails are like this! In fact, some are downright terrifying, with many of them proving deadly. On the list that follows, we’ll be taking a quick look at some of the most terrifying hiking trails in the entire world. Consider this fair warning. If you plan on visiting any of these, make sure that you’re prepared and that you’re physically up for it! Otherwise, your leisurely hike might turn into your deadly swan song.

 Mount Hau Chan (China)

Depending upon whom you talk to, this may be the deadliest hike in the entire world. Although there are no official figures to go by (this is China, after all), some estimates claim that up to 100 people every year meet their makers on this trail. It’s easy to see why this would be the case when you take a look at it. A large section of the trail involves traversing a small set of planks bolted into the side of a cliff… Yikes!
